I'm the one on the left

Hello, I'm Vincent

I’m an Design and Interaction graduate from UCSD, aspiring to pursue more into the UI/UX field. I enjoy learning about user interaction, how a particular design can affect the experience of the user, and thinking of ways to optimize or provide a better user experience is what I find interesting.

Currently I’m freelancing as a Web Consultant/Developer, along with doing some IT support, which typically consists of planning and building computers, office spaces, and tier 1-2 level support.

Some languages and frameworks I’ve worked with and learned are HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, Python, and SQL. I’ve also learned Java and C++ (but to be honest it’s been a while so I forgot a lot of it.)

Aside from work and UX, some hobbies of mine include, building PCs, brewing beer (still new and learning), and playing tennis. I also practiced martial arts for over 15 years, called Vovinam. Currently I’m trying to learn how to build keyboards, though I’m just at the beginning phase of it.

Some Achievements:

Intructor of Vovinam: Yellow Belt Two Stripes

Tennis NTRP Rating: 3.0 (Maybe 3.5 on a good day)

B.S. Cognitive Science Speacialization in Design and Interaction @ University of California San Diego (UCSD)

A.A. Business Administrator @ De Anza College

A.A. Liberal Arts with CIS Emphasis @ De Anza College

Probably something... but can't think of it at the moment...

Contact Information:

Email: vinthepham@gmail.com

I suck at coding

Vincent Pham